Hope Blooms ...In Saladarity

Project Lead Hope Blooms- youth driven (yes there are over 30 kids ages 6 to 14)inner city project where youth grow organic fruit and veggies, manage a greenhouse and make their own brand of salad dressings while contributing back to help their community.
The kids want to bump it up a knotch in this North End halifax Community and have a Saladarity Party. The youth will host a street party on Gottinggen Street (in front of the library) and make delicious gourmet salads, using their dressings and give away these awesome salads to the community. We will walk up Gottingen Street with our 'In Saladarity' banner and bicycles with salads on the back (in the bike trailers the the youth will make)and loudspeaker inviting people on the street to gather at the library for an awesome party- coming together to enjoy fresh, delicious, nutritious, local food made by local youth. Youth will be spreading laughter, sharing their new love for fresh veggies, and feeling the awesome power of giving!!
Hope Blooms/ North End Community Garden is in its 5th year and have won provincial awards for community development, featured on local and National news stations, and was featured in Canadian Living magazine last year for "Growing Seeds of Hope".
This would be such an over the top way to boost the momentum and continue to energize the community at large.