I SHINE Beauty Academy

“I SHINE” Beauty Academy will serve young ladies in grades 3-12. The academy’s goal is to empower young ladies with the tools to define their own beauty. In a society where media often dictates what, and whom are deemed beautiful, women have entered a battlefield the moment they look in the mirror. For minority women especially, their image is often scarcely portrayed, thus, young ladies, need to be able to care for themselves, and take ownership in that process. “I SHINE” Beauty Academy will grant young girls, particularly of African American descent the chance to develop their own hair and skin care regimen. It’s often been heard that “A woman’s hair is her glory,” and of course skin care is essential. Instead of just listening to proclamations regarding the latest trends for hair and skin care, these ladies will be able to be the voice behind their creation. In the academy they will learn how to be active participants in defining themselves. No longer will they just adhere to popular customs of hair and skin care, they will learn to question and research the products they become consumers of, to which point they will have a hand in making the products, which may save them money. In collaboration with D&K Whip Appeal, a partner of S.H.I.N.E. Society of Excellence, and Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultants, over a 6 week time period, ladies will attend workshops that will educate them regarding natural hair and skin care techniques. Through the S.H.I.N.E. model the ladies will in turn present their own regimen they recommend based on what they have learned. This regimen will include a weekly process for natural hair and skin care. Young ladies will be able to develop a custom whipped hair and body butter to complete their regimen. The process of making a whipped hair or body butter includes research about the ingredients used, such as Shea, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil etc.,-all natural butters and oils. A final presentation of products will take place.