Girls Onstage!

An all girls production of Pippin?? YOU BET. The Young Women's Leadership School is a title 1 school located in Astoria, New York and we have a passion for performance.

The TYWLS of Astoria Drama club has been growing over the past 8 years. We started with small productions in our gym across the street and we've started to expand to renting ACTUAL theater spaces with casts of 20-30 students.

We aim to not only perform our productions with zest and aplomb but each aspect of the show is student run and created. Set design, costume design, sound design, lights- the list goes on and on. However, affording this level of production can be a real struggle.

That doesn't stop us, in fact working hard to create something we love without very much money can really lead us to some excellent innovation. Cardboard and hot glue go a very long way and we are masters of scenic painting and quick clothing alterations!

There is a PR team that works for the drama club to help fundraise but each year we are faced with a gap that is very hard to fill. We have started to come up against this gap as we get closer and closer to production.

Funded by Awesome Without Borders (February 2017)