Wellness Studio

Rockport public school has recently purchased the former Pathways building located between the elementary school and the middle/high school. One side of the building will be used for a classroom attached to the new greenhouse which is under construction. The other half of the building will be converted into a studio for yoga, meditation and dance and other wellness group activities. This space and equipment with be available for every student and staff member in the district during and after school hours. Equipment to be purchased will include storage pieces and furniture, mats, bolsters, blocks, blankets and other yoga and meditation essentials.
We have already set up a shared Google calendar for staff in all 3 schools to sign up to use this space for group health and wellness activities and would like to work to create a space with all the equipment necessary for these activities.
Our mission with this project is to build and foster a culture of health and wellbeing for students, staff, families and community members.
We hope to inspire and empower individuals to take responsibility for their own health and support them in their healthy lifestyle choices including lifelong learning, health, fitness and wellness.