Driving with Jack and Scott

My mate Scotty and I host a Podcast called "Driving with Jack and Scott" with the basic idea that we drive around in one of our cars and talk about the things that have been on our minds with an emphasis on asking 'why?' to what we accept as the social norm and to make the world a better place one small concept, idea, challenge, goal at a time.
We are all about having a go, enjoying the journey and keeping the vibes on a high!
Being locals Newcastle is our home turf and nearly every podcast has been recorded in our local streets and suburbs and we always say the streets are just as an important part of the Podcast as us.
We are just 2 months into our venture, in our first month we got just over 1000 downloads over 9 episodes and we just just completed our second month and got just over 900 downloads over the next 9 episodes which is a huge milestone for us, we are stoked with how its going but we would love to see those numbers going up.
We release 2 episodes a week Monday and Wednesday