Janie Mae's Cakes

There are many projects out in the community in San Antonio that have strived for greatness; whilst some has made it to the top and some are still in the works. I myself have been in the latter category of those two, where I am working hard everyday to reach out to the community with a language that mostly every speaks- cake! As of November of 2014, I've launched my personal business, Janie Mae's Cakes (named after my 90+ year old grandmother) in this little, yet big city, where word of mouth is essential and very effective. As a Florida Native coming into this town as a loner it was hard to get started not knowing many people, but I've slowly made friends and have some really good connections within the community. My passion has always been to be a provider for the less fortunate and those who simply cannot afford to have the best. I have made it my personal goal to provide a service through my bakery to offer high quality products, such as cakes, pies, and all types of pastries, at an affordable cost. I have even gotten involved within the community by offering cake decorating classes and even donating to families in need for special occasions, such as the birthdays and those who have family members who are not in the best health. It can become a costly activity to partake in, but the only thing that matters is the time that I give back to the community. I am currently working on offering my services voluntarily to a Hospice center by participating in their Birthday Cake program, which provides a sugarless birthday cake for terminally ill patients on, and to sing "Happy Birthday", to what may be one of their last.