Spotlight on Youth Wellness

Arts Spotlight Theatre Company Inc's Awesome Project is an event entitled Spotlight on Youth Wellness. A project intended to collaborate arts, culture,community and health, to bring attention to the issues affecting youth in today's society, their well being, their family, school environment and community.
In dealing with youth in the community during the past 30 years, we have seen how the arts has helped children and teens find their voice and confidence. Over the years, young performers have overcome shyness, dealt with anxiety, eating disorders, grief, bullying, learning disabilities and being newcomers to Canada, being able to gain confidence, speak up for themselves, seek assistance, express themselves and aim towards a goal. Arts Spotlight has always included opportunities to bring attention and focus to issues that affect young people. For the past 30 years we have performed at schools & community events to bring awareness to: Diversity, Bullying, Healthy Living, Aids Epidemic in Africa, Vandalism and Autism acceptance, through projects with YRP, YR District School Board,TVO, Dancers for Autism.
SPOTLIGHT ON YOUTH WELLNESS will include: entertainment, interactive programs and a symposium of speakers and professionals.
Our Company's board of directors, volunteers and performers would host a one day event with several stages and booths:
Children's stage- interactive entertainment, encourages children to feel confident, happy and witness conflict resolutions.
Pre teen stage with related theme shows encouraging individuality and critical thinking
Teen open mic talent: performing, spoken word, poetry, music, dance, theatre
BOOTHS: Various community interests groups which deal with programs and outreach for youth wellness. (Yoga, art therapy, therapy dogs, fitness, nutrition, (rented booths for $25.00 to $35.00)
Allotted times for experts and professionals and agencies to speak on the various topics related to the event.