Future Doctors for South Sudan

South Sudan is the world’s newest nation, gaining independence in 201. The country was born with a long history of conflict, and as a result, has some of the world's worst health indicators. 1 in 7 South Sudanese children die before they turn seven years old, 1 in 7 women die during childbirth, and only 25% of the population has access to any kind of healthcare.
At Future Doctors for South Sudan (FDSS), we believe that the path forward to build a strong healthcare system will be led by South Sudanese physicians. There are great barriers for young South Sudanese who wish to become doctors. The single medical school in the country is not functioning and efforts to revive it may take years. Medical schools outside of South Sudan are too expensive for almost anyone from South Sudan to get to, let alone attend.
That's where FDSS comes in – we are offering medical school scholarships to promising South Sudanese students who have the drive and determination to complete their medical training and return to their home country to improve its health. We are now supporting four medical students, and are growing fast, with some very good partnerships in place.
Our first student was Malueth Angui, who is from a small Dinka village in Warab state. His father is a tribal leader, who raises cattle, but has no income. Malueth is a middle child of his mother’s 10 living children, but his father has four other wives, also with multiple children. As Malueth has many older brothers, he was not required to tend the cattle, and therefore had the opportunity to attend primary school. He did so well in school that he was chosen to receive a scholarship to attend a missionary high school in Kenya. There he learned English, and was one of the top students. Upon his return to South Sudan, he was hired by a new primary health clinic funded by Doctors Without Borders in the town of Gogrial. This is where is dream to become a doctor was born.