Art Barter Mexico

Art Barter is based in London but along the years we have created projects and exhibitions in various locations such as NY, Berlin, London, Istanbul and Madrid. We now would like to take our concept to Mexico to discover its vibrant art scene and talents.
The Art Barter project evolves around the concept of bartering for art. The artists,
ranging from emerging to established, are all presented as equals with one piece of art each exhibited anonymously.The public are then invited to offer anything for the artworks except for money.
In London in 2009, Tracey Emin exchanged 30 hours of French lessons for her
monoprint and other creative, romantic or practical exchanges have taken place, from a week-long retreat in South of France; a hand made remote control toy made by a 5 year old; and an undeveloped roll of film. Please do check our website to see all the barters and exchanges made in previous shows.
At the end of the exhibition you can find out whose artwork belongs to which artist and all participating artists become part of our worldwide network permanently.
The project's aim is to promote younger artists, giving them the opportunity to exhibit their work alongside established names of the contemporary art scene as well as giving the viewers the chance to think about what they have that is unique to offer. Each city that we have taken our concept to has reacted in different ways to the challenge.
We have been invited by local artists Laureana Toledo to organise an Art Barter show in Mexico City in February to coincide with the art fair there and we are looking for funding to make this happen.
It is important to us to carry on with the Art Barter project and to take it to new destination as it allows us to discover the local art scene, young and established and to widen the community of artists related to the project.