Makerspace - Sigler Elementary

Maker education is beginning to pop up in public libraries across the nation and we believe it is time for Maker Education to be introduced to the students and families at Sigler Elementary.
Could you imagine a school library where students come to build, create, design tinker and make? Could you imagine a school library where the librarian encourages conversation, collaboration and is on the cutting edge of 21st century learning?
With your support, Sigler Elementary will be on the front lines of transitioning our library from what it is currently to a 21st century learning commons where students come to build, create, design, tinker and make.
To be successful in the 21st century students need to work in collaborative groups, focus on project based learning and do it on their terms. Designing a space in an elementary school, specifically, in our library will show parents, teachers and students just how committed we are to ensuring they are ready for life, ready for a post secondary education and ready to have fun while integrating their ideas in a hands on, technology driven work space where they do the work!