National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)

The project is to establish a multicultural organization that will assist the needs of students who are intersted not only in the field of accounting, but any field that has to do with business. This program will provide a diverse group of individuals with similar academic and professional interest in accounting and finance, with a desire to unite in a professional organization to advance professional development, to instill a desire for self-improvement, to foster moral and ethical standards, to encourage and recognize academic and professional achievement, to encourage a sense of civic responsibility and service, and to promote the study of accounting, finance, and business related subjects. Also, we will provide our members with great professional networking opportunites through the 2 confrences held every year, regional and national. The organization would be based at the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor. The goals of this inclusive program include:
a) To promote and develop the professional and technical skills of our members
b) To encourage and assist minority students entering the business profession through mentoring
c) To provide opportunities for members to fulfill their civic responsibilities through volunteer events
d) To promote public confidence in our members and the services they provide by enhancing their public speaking skills
e) To encourage cordial relations among diverse members and cooperative relationships with other professionals during our networking sessions and guest speakers
f) To represent the interests of current and prospective business professionals
h) To provide professional development and employment opportunities to its members