Gloucester Grain: Film Photography on Cape Ann

Over a lifetime of roaming Cape Ann with film cameras of every description I've amassed a catalog of images, flavored with a side of Gloucester usually overlooked. People come from far to see lighthouses, fishing boats, schooners and lobster bouys hung on shack doors. I've made a fair number of images of those things as well but more often turn the camera towards people ,and things not noticed by tourists. Approached this week by friend and YA Author Janet Young, she has spurred me to action and wants to host a show of my work. It's at her suggestion I am applying here and also with the GCC.
No pixels are harmed in the making of my photographs. They're made with film, in a camera, and printed in a darkroom. I sometimes chemically tone them like Fred Bodin would to his well known antique plate images. (I miss Fred). The look is different in ways a computer can aspire to, but not achieve. My goals include being able to produce a representative juried slate of photographs in larger sizes, dry mount and frame them for exhibit. The interest generated by the recent GDT photography exhibit shows that there's a resurgence in film photography as an art form, and as I've seen on social media there's a great deal of local nostalgia for scenes and characters recognizable to Gloucester natives.
I'm 'from away', as you'd say. Born in Winchester, but graduated GHS in '85.
The resulting show will be shown in a succession of local venues open to the public. There will be enough to satisfy a one person show at a number of places, and I hope the Swift Gallery and one of the more modest halls at the Historical Society will be among these. Once produced prints will be made available to viewers, but I hope to keep the body of work intact for at least two years as it is exhibited.