The Saint Paul Tool Library is Here

AwesomeStPaul is proud to announce our 21st grant has been awarded to The St. Paul branch of the Minnesota Tool Library. We chose the tool lending library for its work in building community by bringing St. Paul neighbors together around shared interests in woodworking and home and garden DIY projects. Congratulations!
In the words of Bruce Willey, "The Saint Paul branch of the Minnesota Tool Library (MTL) recently moved to a new location. MTL provides tools and instructions on how to use them, a shop space with larger machinery, and frequent classes to anyone who joins. Having access to these tools and the knowledge to use them can vastly improve lives. With our construction tools, damaged stairs can be repaired and made safe. Bannisters and grab bars can be installed so older people can stay in their homes. Houses can be insulated and weatherized, saving energy costs. Doors and windows can be repaired or upgraded to prevent theft. With our gardening tools, ladders and scaffolding, yard and exterior work can be done to enhance the look and value of a home or business.
The cost of tools prevents many from performing these worthwhile activities. MTL allows people to extend their home or business repair budget significantly and get more done for less. We help the environment through fewer tools being discarded in landfills or produced and transported in the first place. A community that has a tool library - and makes use of it - is a stronger and more resilient one. Property values are maintained or improved. Fewer buildings are declared unfit for occupancy or even condemned. Our tools are almost all donated and our branches are staffed largely by volunteers. People feel a better sense of community when they know this valuable resource is being supplied by their neighbors."