Ethiopia’s AIDS Education Circus

Action for Youth and Community Change (AYCC) isn’t just a project, it’s a community! In 1998 children in Awassa, Ethiopia began to practice circus, drawing audiences into spectacular worlds. The reality of their daily lives was sobering: many were hungry and unable to afford an education. Some had lost family members to AIDS or Ethiopia’s turbulent history. Years pass, our reputation grows. Muscles strengthen with daredevil stunts, circus toys fade with use. In 2002 we created our first performance promoting HIV/AIDS awareness. It was a topic close to many hearts and performed with uncommon insight, creativity and skill. AIDS Education Circus was born. Touring as One Love, we spread awareness across Ethiopia bringing a unique perspective to life-saving messages with works on topics as diverse and challenging as FGM, land mines and addiction. Our skills are recognized by impressive numbers of NGOs and IGOs.