Toys for Kids

I want to bring these awesome teethers and toys to local community groups so that they can reach as many children as possible.
I started making toys as I was searching for safe, non toxic teething toys for my own children. So many children are surrounded with plastic toys, electronics and battery operated toys in their everyday lives. These offer little to growing minds. We want to introduce natural, long lasting toys to chilren's play. The benefits of playing with natural toys are unlimited - creativity, imagination, appreciation for nature, lack of toxins, an appreciation for crafting.
We want to see babies and children all over Kingston using and enjoying our toys. As such our plan is to donate our toys to businesses and services that would benefit from a few new toys! The local Waldorf and Montessori schools, the Boys & Girls Club, Community Programs and Groups, the Public Library, Daycares and Shelters. We want to set them up with some good quality, safe and imaginative play toys that can be loved and used for a long time!
Because much of our wood comes from scraps, end pieces, extras or short boards, we will be able to make a large amount of toys for little cost.
As an example, one board foot of “imperfect” wood costs approximately $2-$3 and can produce a minimum of 3 teethers, or 10 teething necklaces. Just think of the teethers we can make with $1000? Have you done the math yet? Thats more than 1000 teethers! The possibilities are endless. All for babies and children to play with!
How awesome is that? Come on, you can't argue with it!
Oh and just in case you are wondering what a teether is, we have attached an image of our guitar teether. A teething toy perfect for babies to chew on, teeth on and munch away at.