Active Seating for Active Minds

My awesome project wants to improve the school experience for the neurodivergent (and neurotypical) student! While school is one of MY favourite places to be, as a teacher, I know that isn't the case for everyone. It can be really hard to sit in the same spot for basically six hours straight. No one would disagree. And now that we are in a global pandemic there's even more sitting! This has a tremendous impact on some neurodivergent students. Simple tools such as the body break, which help many ADHD students, are not an option anymore, and they can't walk around the room either. No one wants anyone to start clicking a pen! (Besides the pen clicker that is.)
So, the ultimate objective of this is to improve students’ attention in the classroom by providing them with the necessary outlets to their restlessness with classroom appropriate tools. There are a variety of tools out there on the market but unfortunately, they are often quite costly. To maximize the potential impact of the funds, the purchases will be made on products that should last for years. I want to use the $1000 to buy a variety of "active seating" options for students to test and try. My primary research indicates that a wobble stool and weighted exercise chairs are my most cost-effective chair replacements. Working with the LPS (resource) teacher and conversations with colleagues, we will identify some students who could benefit from these active seats. I will check in with these students over weeks and months to see what impact they feel these chairs make.
In addition to the selected students, I want to see how these tools can benefit all students. So funds will be allocated to a very cost-friendly option with mass appeal. I would also track their progress and thoughts about use.
Ultimately the data collected from the students will be used to take this project to the next step. I want to make this an option for more students with a Limestone Learning Foundation or Community Grant.