Gloucester Rainworks Project

Borrowing inspiration from a similar project completed in Boston named "Raining Poetry," my family and I would like to create and sustain a local "rainworks" project in Gloucester. The idea and execution are simple: using a non-toxic, eco-friendly, biodegradable, water repellent "invisible ink spray," we will paint inspiring poems and uplifting quotes on concrete walkways and sidewalks all over town.
The spray vanishes when dry, so the words will only become visible when the air is humid (e.g., fog) or when it rains. When wet, the words will darken and become visible. As each poem/quote will last for about four months, our intent is to re-apply new quotes and poems three times a year. To ensure these look clean and clear, we will create a series of custom-made stencils. We will use these stencils to guide our spray work.