Ottawa Medical Makers & Make-a-thon

March’s Awesome Ottawa award goes to Erin Austen and the Ottawa chapter of Medical Makers to support a medical make-a-thon in the city.
“Medical Makers,” explains Erin, “is a global community of creative and compassionate innovators making healthcare better. This is accomplished by leveraging the power of 3D printing to improve access to medical care and healthcare education.”
Since the chapter was established in 2018, there have been two medical make-a-thons in Ottawa. “Make-a-thons,” Erin continues, “involve each participant 3D printing a project and allow for an initial evaluation of the design. They’re also a great way to obtain ideas for potential projects that directly serve local needs in the community. Participants can be young kids or older adults, and no experience is required to attend.”
While originally planned for this spring, the Make-a-thon will now take place in the fall.
Erin is a recent Master’s in Aerospace Engineering graduate, and the founder of the Ottawa chapter of Medical Makers.