Womxn’s Day Slutwalk 2020 | A celebration of womxn

The Womxn’s Day Slutwalk 2020 would be happening on International’s Womxn’s day on the 8th of March 2020. This day celebrates womxnhood all over the world. The struggle of being female and/or female-presenting in a society that is still steered by unfair patriarchal structures that delay social, political and economic progress. In Rotterdam, a city in which 84% of womxn (according to the Erasmus University) experience street harassment, we consider this to be a public health issue. Sexism and inequality are also connected to the level of harassment in this city. Despite having criminalised street harassment, the Municipality of Rotterdam has been unsuccesful when it comes to putting forward a unified effort to fight this problem. We want the Gemeente Rotterdam to take action- we want to create a visual effort that cannot be ignored either by them or by the civil society that will see us march on the 8th. We want to send out a clear statement that gender-based violence and harassment have no place in this city. Womxn shouldn’t be adjusting their behaviour to be safe.
That is why on the 8 of March we organise:
- - A banner making workshop
- - The Slutwalk, a protestwalk through the streets of Rotterdam
- - Cultural Program after the walk
The population target for the Slutwalk 2020 is mainly focused on womxn, femmes and girls living in Rotterdam. It is important to underline that we welcome anyone to our event as long as they follow our code of conduct (read last year’s code of conduct here: https://issuu.com/kontra.rotterdam/docs/final_code_of_conduct_slut_walk) that expresses our intentions to create a safer protest space that calls for ‘’Womxn and queers to the front’’.