Colonel Clean

The name of our project is “Colonel Clean.”
We attend Woodlawn High School in eastern Birmingham, Alabama. We are a Title I School with lots of love and learning. We have a great principal, wonderful staff, and caring teachers. Many of the students at our school live below the poverty level. Many of us don’t have access to basic life necessities in our homes for different reasons.
Some years ago, the Alumni Association opened a closet to provide clothing, shoes, food, toiletries, and other necessities. The clothes are nice quality and trendy, but the problem is many of us don’t have a way to clean and/or keep them clean.
Having what you need for success and clean clothing promotes healthy self esteem and cuts down on bullying. Both elements promote an environment conducive to learning while keeping our peers in school and off the streets. When they are off the streets, they won’t go into the school to prison pipeline.
We envision adding a washer and dryer to the Colonel Closet. Students will have access to wash and dry their clothing before school, after school, and possibly on the weekend and during lunch based on need. Washing will be free of charge and laundry detergent will be donated.