HER Detroit

Our goal is to, in the mist of so much negativity, shine a light on those that are triumphing and persevering in our area. In a one hour news segment, we ear about 40 minutes of robberies, deaths and scandals- then a small clip of something positive. Well, HER Detroit is well aware that there are women (and men) that are being innovative, helping others and improving our city. It's time to give them the recognition and kudos that they so well deserve.
HER Detroit is here to help promote their awesomeness!
Yes, we assist women with fashion trends and tell them which beauty products are best for the season- those are things that help women look and feel great on the outside. Throughout our pages, we're determined to also help women feel good on the inside as well. Our expert advice and touching stories resonate in hearts and minds of our readers. I can honestly say that we've touched the hearts of many and have allowed several to tell their story and begin a healing/cleansing process.
If we are blessed with the grant, the money would be used to help brand the magazine. As with any media outlet, our organization depends on the support of advertisers. The funds would be used for marketing materials, developing a larger marketing team and improving our web presence in order to built better, long-term marketing relationships. Once we've actually went to print, there is little or nothing left to help build and prepare for the next issue or improve our team. The grant would be a tremendous help in insuring that HER Det can successfully compete with larger publications.