
This AWESOME project engages the public to contribute to a canvas, with high quality paint and brush. Each participaint (see what I did there) is given a set amount of paint and allowed to paint until they use it all. In the end the canvas is full, abstract and unique with many contributors. Participainting aims to give additional value and life to abstract art while supporting local worthy causes.
Profits of the final product’s sale and donations collected during the activity will be donated to local worthy causes.
2 paintings are in progress at the moment and 1 is complete, with many more to come! If not chosen this round I hope to have content and (again) a website to share next time. The domain has been purchased, but the site is not complete yet.
Almost Home is proudly the first worthy cause supported by Participainting. Almost Home provides a place of comfort and respite for families who children are receiving medical treatment in Kingston area Hospitals.
The Kingston New Mentality Group is the second worthy cause supported by participainting. It is a youth and young adult mental health agency that is working towards creating change in the mental health system.
Home Base Housing is the third worthy cause supported by participainting. They provide housing and support for individuals and families at risk of homelessness in the Kingston area.
I'm so sorry I missed the May deadline. I was locked away in academic bootcamp and while mentally drained it slipped my mind and I thought I had more time. I would love to be considered for the May pitch if possible as I believe the Tett centre would be a perfect place for this project. If it is too late (which is likely the case), no worries at all - any consideration to come back and pitch in the near future would be much appreciated!