SAGA Nights

SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) formerly GSA (Gay Straight Alliance of Gloucester High School envision the creation of a safe space where local and regional LGBTQ+ can connect and support each other. The GHS SAGA Group will invite local GSAs (Rockport, Ipswich, Hamilton-Wenham, Manchester and North Shore Tech) to monthly SAGA Nights. The first one, it is hoped, will be held at the Cape Ann Cinema and will show the movie Love, Simon. Future SAGA Nights have yet to be fully planned but will focus on a relevant topic and perhaps invite local experts and secure resources to assist with implementation (healthy relationships, suicide prevention, for example). This model is based loosely on the NAGLY model, but the location of the NAGLY meetings (Salem) pose a difficulty due to transportation issues. We would like to create a support space here to decrease social isolation and increase a sense of community/connection.