Kindergarten Outside Classroom

Recently the outdoor climber equipment at my school was deemed unsafe for use any longer. A large safety fence went up around the structure, limiting the space available for mu kindergarten students to move and play during recess and our outdoor exploring time. I have watched my students outdoor time suffer due to this problem for the last two months of school. While I made sure to provide a variety of tools and equipment for my students to use during outdoor times (bikes, sand tools, water activities, books, Lego, wagons) I noticed that they had a real desire to climb. That often resulted on the unsafe area of wooden benches and the fence that encloses the space for the atude ts to stay in. My goal is to be able to add maybe 2-3 outdoor elements in the space that my students could make use of in a variety of wondrous ways. I want my students to do what kids do best, play and have fun and to get more enjoyment out of their outdoor space.