Scio STEM seeks to inspire children 6 months to 4 years of age in appropriate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) concepts through a combination of free and guided play. Many experts agree that children learn the most and fastest in the first 5 years of life than any other point in life, yet developmental resources for this age group is severely underfunded. Unfortunately, The United States lags far behind many other developed countries in science and mathematics. In order to combat these statistics, Scio STEM plans to travel the community of San Antonio offering weekly themed STEM events at public parks, daycares, and schools. The primary target is to provide resources for underprivileged children and parents. We can observe the scientific method even in infancy. An infant sees something such as a toy on the floor and they make an observation. An infant then proceeds to make a hypothesis about what it is. They then pick it up and put it in their mouth. They are experimenting. They think about it and analyze what they put in their mouth. Their facial reaction of pleasure or disgust is their report. Lastly, they share what they find with others. We want to inspire children as young as 6 months through unique, fun, thought provoking, age appropriate activities and build the confidence of parents to teach STEM concepts through everyday interactions. We have learned that it is more effective to give a head start in STEM than it is to remediate a student later in K-5 grades. We have volunteers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics ready to attend these weekly events to directly interact with children and parents. We have implemented marketing through social media platforms and are optimistic about continued exponential outreach. With a clear vision and a community in need we hope to make a true, much needed difference here in San Antonio.