People Against Litter (PAL)

About the project:
Welcome to PAL (People Against Litter)! Our mission is a clean Gloucester. We believe that Gloucester citizens can make their city clean if they have the knowledge, tools, and support to accomplish that goal.
PAL is going to be the resource Gloucester citizens can turn to when looking for knowledge, tools and support in their efforts to help make Gloucester a clean city.
The three points of interaction established for PAL include the following:
1. KNOWLEDGE: Interactive float for the Horribles and St Peter’s Fiesta parades.
This will be PAL’s initial marketing effort and introduction of the PAL project to the citizens of Gloucester. Float participants will be dressed as elements that are affected by litter (plants, animals, birds, fish, etc). We will distribute beautiful magnets and yellow litter bags and encourage parade spectators to sign up to be a PAL.
2. TOOLS: Yellow bags for litter collection.
Provided by the city, the bags will be distributed to PAL volunteers that have signed up to help with the clean-up of public areas. We will also distribute bags at city events and other occasions where we can engage a conversation about the PAL program.
3. SUPPORT: Web site.
The site will feature a map of the five Gloucester Wards with “pins” marking where volunteer PALs have accepted responsibility for the cleanliness of that area. We will use this site to encourage, educate, empower, and engage the citizens of Gloucester through blogs, fact pages, interactive conversations, and a digital reward system.