Этот филиал в настоящее время неактивен. Неактивный филиал, это тот филиал, которой не дал ни одного гранта в течение шести месяцев. Если вы заинтересованы в перезапуске этого филиала, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами тут.
Madrid Food Program
By Madrid Food Program May 2022
Food 4 Kids - The Food Depot
By Awesome Foundation Santa Fe January 2022
Empty Stocking Fund
By Awesome Foundation Santa Fe December 2021
Leonora Curtin Honor Garden
By Jordan Young, Executive Director October 2021
Solace Rapid Response Revolving Fund
By Maria Jose Rodriguez Cadiz August 2021
Student Literacy Contest, "The Book Cover Contest"
By Rayna Dineen February 2021
Hope & Comfort Fund
By Marcos Zubia October 2020
The Food Depot's COVID-19 Crisis Support
By The Food Depot June 2020
After The Storm
By Elizabeth Delfs March 2020
By Yvette Serrano October 2019
Santa Fe Public Schools Adelante Car Seat Project
By Michelle Vignery May 2019
Tickets for Teachers at 2019 IFAM Santa Fe
By Connie Nunez March 2019
Fall 2018 Expanding Your Horizons Conference
By Lina S Germann August 2018
Street Homeless Animal Project
By Irene Webb July 2018
Girls on the Run Santa Fe, Inc.
By Alice Temple March 2018
Tooling Up at the Railyard Park
By Christy Lee Downs December 2017
Keep Madrid's Pets Healthy
By Nancy Hack October 2017
Parkinson's Action Fund
By Karen St. Clair June 2017
Foster Friends
By Jessica Jenkins January 2017
Playschool of the Arts for Kids
By Maddy Mahony December 2016
Indoor Playroom Remodel
By Kehala Two Bulls July 2016
Literacy Volunteers of Santa Fe
By Patrick J. Carr, Board Vice-President May 2016
Buddy Benches
By Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Fe/Del Norte December 2015
Santa Fe Prom Closet
By Rennae Ross October 2015
The Horse Shelter Diaries
By Donna Wells June 2015
By Shelley Horton-Trippe May 2015
By cindy turner December 2014
Reading is Magic
By Rayna Dineen May 2014О нас
The Santa Fe chapter of the Awesome Foundation is currently on hiatus and not accepting grant applications at this time. We will announce when the next grant cycle opens on our chapter page.
Please email santafe@awesomefoundation.org with any questions.
Please note: The chapter will ONLY consider those projects that can be fully funded with the $1,000 grant. If you are working with a larger budget, think of a specific, creative stand-alone element that the $1,000 can fully fund. Keep this in mind when you provide a detailed budget and timeline for your project. Thank you.
WHAT WE DON'T FUND - PLEASE REVIEW THE FOLLOWING. It's very important as we will not consider grant applications for:
~ Creating, publishing, or marketing your book
~ Small business loans
~ Travel expenses or business start up costs
~ Living expenses or purchases for personal use, stipends, car or home repairs, studio rental, etc.
~ Projects that are not based in Santa Fe. We invest locally.
~ Projects that do not provide a proposed budget and a timeline.
Our chapter is interested in funding projects with micro-grants of $1,000 that will enhance and impact Santa Fe in a positive, creative way. Projects can include efforts in a wide range of areas including science, technology, arts, social good, and much more. We like projects that are visible and have a clear community benefit. Your project should make an impact by helping others or creating a better environment for them.
We are looking for projects that:
~ Are actionable and achievable
~ Benefit Santa Fe
~ Can be completed within a reasonable time frame
~ Can be fully funded with the $1,000 grant
Keep these guidelines in mind, and then surprise and delight us with your idea of how to make Santa Fe a better place to live, work, and play. Apply!
Would you like to contribute to our grant funding? We would love to have you as one of our "angel donors" - donors who want to contribute money to our Awesome grant funds but would rather remain behind the scenes. Our angel donors help support community projects and attend our grant award presentations and annual party. Contact us at santafe@awesomefoundation.org and we'll give you all the details.