Birmingham (Non-active)

Cette branche n'est actuellement non-active. Une branche non-active est une branche qui n’a pas remis de bourse au cours des six derniers mois. Veuillez nous contacter si cela vous intéresse de relancer cette branche.

A Propos

We're the Awesome BHX, the Birmingham (UK) Chapter of the Awesome Foundation.

A bunch of us have got together to give £500, no-strings-attached mini-grants to Awesome projects that will genuinely make a positive impact on Birmingham.

Birmingham is beaming with creativity, and we're looking to fund fun, cool projects, anything that makes Birmingham a better place to live & work, that puts a smile on someone's face or helps solves social problems the city faces.

There is no deadline, as we grant winners every few months. So you can apply anytime.

Good Luck! 🙌🏽

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