Street Futures women and girls cricket

We are a community interest company based in Birmingham run by young BAME individuals who have overcome living in inner city communities to be successful in life. One of those challenges is changing perceptions of allowing women and girls to take part in sport and after years of trying we have finally managed to get 20+ regular BAME females taking part in cricket. Recently we ran an outdoor cricket league despite weather deteriorating as well as light we managed to get the league complete. To continue supporting the group we are now delivering weekly cricket sessions and have linked them onto an amateur sports club in the form of marston green cricket club.
However one of the barriers is travel cost to get the women and girl to the club as parents are either working or unable to drive. Due to the cost of living most girls don’t have their own equipment or a bat atleast and that is something we want to be able to support with as well using this grant. Alongside the above, needing a female cricket coach is a must for cultural and general reasons for the girls and we could do with some of the funding to help cover those costs. We have provided team kits to half the girls but the other half are still waiting on kits/uniform, so the funding is also to be used to cover costs.