Big Talks

The Big Talks idea came about this year when I walked from Swanage to Gretna Green 500 miles asking people to show support for my challenge by doing an act of kindness for a stranger, I committed to visit schools along the way and share with them a short 20 minute talk on the reasons I do these challenges every year and why kindness changed my life.
The response was astounding more than I thought possible.
What I realised is our young people are in a drought for first hand stories of connection and inspiration. So I thought what if we could set up an event of speakers/people just like me willing to give up 20 minutes of their time to inspire our next generation, then we could make a real difference.
I decided to set them up as events, where 4-6 speakers come together in one location after school with young people, parents and communities are invited in.
We film the talks and place them on the platform (website/you tube channel) for schools everywhere to access.
It is not only a fantastic resource for schools, clubs and parents, it has the power to bring inspiration to the place that young people are, within technology.
We were proud to support Big Talks with a grant, with a focus of putting inspirational talks on for school’s in Birmingham and Warwickshire. 🙌