Literature & Laundry

Literature & Laundry turns idle time into a fun time for kids "stuck" at a laundromat with nothing to do. Our unique literacy program gives away brand-new books to children at a DC laundromat and takes time to read with them.
The impact is both intangible and measurable. Kids love getting new books and having an adult read with them or listen to them read. Parents love the positive attention we give to their kids. Other laundry patrons smile at the sight of the activity. And, the owner of the laundromat appreciates the wholesome atmosphere Literature & Laundry creates. Since 2013, we have enriched the lives of more than 100 young people, ages 3 – 17, and their families.
Literature & Laundry is an original program of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church located in SE DC. Church members serve as volunteer "book buddies.” Volunteers must receive certification in Safeguarding God's Children, a child sexual abuse prevention training offered by the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.
Literature & Laundry has raised books through donation drives and a Barnes & Noble bookfair. The vast majority of the books we give away are new (never been used). We shy away from gently used books because there is a wide variance in what people perceive to be "gently-used." We simply don’t want the kids we serve to get yet another hand-me-down. Additionally, Literature & Laundry asks for donations of Newberry award-winning books to ensure that kids get top quality stories for enhancing their perceptive reading skills.
All in al, Literature & Laundry inspires joy for all involved. Thank you for this opportunity to share our story and request support.