Evenings with Genetics

Many families struggle to understand not only the genetic evaluation process and the medical care issues, but also the social and emotional component of this information. Several years ago I began organizing community outreach by working with our Baylor College of Medicine genetics faculty in offering seminars for the community. These are held at The Children’s Museum of Houston. The goals of our Evenings with Genetics series are to diminish the knowledge gaps, highlight local and national resources, and aid with family-to-family networking. Houston has a wonderful multicultural community and we are trying to reach out to Spanish-speaking families as well. We have offered simultaneous translation to Spanish at many of our seminars with the expertise of medical translators. The translation equipment to offer this service is rented and costly, which limits the number of times we can offer simultaneous translation. We strongly believe that families who understand their child’s genetic condition are better prepared to care and advocate for their child.