Keppoch Kitchen Party

June 10th
Our awesome project is a thematic concert created by thirty-eight local people. There will be 28 people on stage with another 10 working on script,music,props, set design, management and costumes.Participants range in age from 6 to 70 with an equal number of males and females.
This will involve many hours of colaboration and practice which is underway.
Our concept is to recreate a Ceilidh house from the mid 1900's. Our setting is a farmhouse on the Keppoch where a family of three generations are expecting friends and neighbours to drop in for evening of humor,song, music, dancing and story telling with a bit of conflict thrown in.
In reality most communities had events such as this with the Ceilidh playing an important part in the life of the community. It was and is a source of local news (gossip), entertainment and a social event.
We have four main objectives a)To keep the cultural heritage of the Scottish and Irish relevant, b)To create a positive community project, c)To encourage individuals to create and showcase their talents, d) to entertain locals and visitors.
We have an agreement with ACALA to video the show and will make the video available for broadcast and for sale. We are also working with Scotia Highland Dancers,Bauer Theatre,Antigonish Heritage Museum,and The Glengarry Girl's Choir from Ontario . We have a dedicated group who hope to develop future shows that can be presented not only in Antigonish but in other communities as well.
After compulsary expenses (below) all money we raise will be go to our students to further their education and or music lessons.
We believe that all peoples have the responsibility to preserve and promote their culture and heritage and our project is one way to accomplish this goal.
Our concert will be held on July 9th in the Schwartz Auditorium on campus.