Clean-up & Maintainance of Magnolia Public Parks

During the last few years I have cleaned. up and beautified some of Magnolia's public areas. I cleaned up the Magnolia Cemetery, mowing, cutting brush, weeding and trimming. I maintain its attractiveness with flowers, lights and flags at the appropriate times during the year. I was instrumental in the planning and instillation of our new Veterans War Memorial in Knowlton Park, working with the Historic Committee to choose a site and to design a Flower Garden. Every spring I plant, water and weed that garden all summer long. I also mow and trim the bushes in this much loved park. A few years ago I painted the benches bright primary colors. Sitting here, looking out over Magnolia Harbor across to Boston is good Mental Health for many residents. I also built boxes and now keep them supplied with "Poop Bags" in this park. I help maintain our small rotary (dummy) in town with seasonal decorations and lovely spring, summer and fall plantings. Recently I blazed a trail from Magnolia Historical Building on Magnolia Ave. to the Soccer Fields at Four Corners. I would like to plant some Apple Trees there this year. If you ever see my bright Yellow Tracker pulled over by the side of the road I am close by either picking up trash or cleaning out streams. My serious paying job is carried out during the school calendar so I do have time in the summer and after school daylight hours to devote to my Beautification Projects.