The Director List

The Director List, currently a popular twitter feed about female film and tv directors, is expanding to a website!
I have been running @TheDirectorList account for two years now and it has been a great place to share news and raise awareness about female directors. The Director List grew from two things-- (1) A masters dissertation I wrote at London School of Economics in 2006, which focused on the low number of women being hired on studio films, and (2) my own need as a filmmaker to find more female directors to inspire me and my work.
As I sought out the names and faces of women directors, I started to post their pictures to a Pinterest board and share that board with friends on Facebook. I needed to let people know that there were indeed many experienced female directors, a reversal of the common industry myth that female directors only existed in very small numbers. There are now over 830 female directors on the board.
About a year and half after starting the Pinterest board, I felt I wanted to expand the conversation, so I started @TheDirectorList on twitter, which quickly found a community of like-minded filmmakers, scholars, and advocates for women.
Now, I am creating a place online that will provide tools to help the industry find more women directors for their projects as well as encourage more in-depth conversations with my online community.