The Uhuru Dream House

The Uhuru Dream House is a communal project to create a safe art house for disabled QTBIPOC. It will be a sacred space to create. It will also be an artist residency program & transitional living space: owned, operated and maintained by disabled Black trans people, for Black trans people.
I’m creating the residency program on the property of the home I currently reside in, where disabled Black trans & intersex artists will visit New Orleans, LA. for one month to work on a project of their choice. The home will soon be completely wheelchair accessible (I am also in a wheelchair). I am acquiring all creative tools and resources necessary for artists-in-residence to create art, music and film. The residency will feature; art/music/film/tattoo studios, editing room and a stage, a Black QTI library, and community garden. I will have everything an artist could dream of having in the space so there is no creative limitation!
The living space will be a short school bus, located on the property, which will be remodeled into a tiny home. The bus will offer a private space to give each artist autonomy, free of misgendering and street harassment, during their visit. Each artist will have access to a wheelchair-accessible vehicle or car. They will be offered a stipend for food and recreational activities during their stay and payment for their participation at the residency.
What our grantee is saying: "It is the greatest honor to be recognized and supported by my community! Everyone should be prioritizing accessibility and inclusivity in everything they create. I want to be included and have access to the same spaces as my able-bodied friends and community so I would hope they would think of us in the same way and make sure we are welcomed! I am thankful for all who support my vision."