Free Little Sled Library

The Tool Library, in partnership with the University Heights Collaborative, would like to construct a Free Little Sled Library for use by community members at sledding hills at Minnesota Linear Park and the North Buffalo Rail Trail.
Using the same model as the Free Little Library movement that has popped up in neighborhoods across the US, the Free Little Sled Library would be a freestanding storage unit that would hold 5-10 sleds and 5-10 saucers.
Signage would encourage community members to use the sleds and saucers on an as-needed basis and return them to the Sled Library when done.
The Free Little Sled Library would be placed in the park during the winter season (~November through ~March) and be stored off-site during warmer months.
Donation drives for sleds/saucers would be organized if/when the initial supply is exhausted.