Projection Bombing

- I am a theatre artist, animator, and tinkerer who wants to explore new ways to interact with our urban environment.
- Let's create an independently powered mobile video projection unit, mounted onto a modified bicycle trailer for maximum portability.
- Combinine video technologies with open-source software to allow citizens to "paint" the city's blank walls with video, or "tag" a building with a laser, or create video walls which interact with passersby.
- Bicycle-powered: highly mobile, compact, and flexible enough to be set up at various downtown spots, festivals, train yards, parks, etc. for all Calgarians to enjoy.
I possess most of the video equipment needed in my shop, but the money would go towards building a portable rig, specifically:
- A dedicated bicycle and trailer to modify
- A power generator / battery system
- A powerful laser pointer or two (to use as a brush to "laser tag")
- Infrared diodes and sensors for "paintbrushes"
- possibly a brighter projector for maximum effect on large urban surfaces