Dinosaur- Library Takeover: Kids change the world!

Dinosaurs and awesome people alike- I invite you to join me on a mission to empower our community's youngest change makers!
First, let me address the velociraptor in the room, yes you do see a product website listed which probably rings "WARNING- MARKETING" alarm bells but let me alleviate your fear. This project is not about profit or exposure for personal gain- it is about reaching out to unlock the potential of young people.
I am a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) junkie who loves nothing more than providing resources to help create empowered young change makers. I'm also an 'accidental' author!
In 2014 I started Chat For Change, providing opportunities for hundreds of young people to vlog, blog and create for change. In 2016 I fundraised to create 17 "SDG Squad" cartoon characters started school outreach.
To further spread SDG awareness (and procrastinate from my final Masters essay) I self-published a children's book on the SDGs called - How Do You Wrap That? The idea is simple, put a crazy story book full of colorful characters and whimsical rhymes into the hands of parents and to spread the message that the best gifts we can give the world are those that can't be wrapped like food, safety and equality.
The first 30 sales funded the donation of a book and lesson plan to 30 Primary Schools. Sales of the first 50 books raised the funds to create an e-book. Now I am now able to provide endless free e-copies to educators all over the world!
My next wish is the most daring and one so awesome that I ask for your help. There are 51 public library networks in Victoria with 70,067 active borrowers. $1000 will help me provide 3 FREE hard copies to each library network!
You see, this has never been about profit. It's about cementing in the minds of young people that they are powerful change agents and reminding young and old that human rights matter!
It's not as out-there as your usual projects but please become a part of my library takeover.