Free Classic Movie (YYC Mobile Movie)

Cities around the country and world have versions of Guerrila Drive In. I propose appropriating this novel idea and adapting it towards Calgaryian sensibilities. Instead of this being a drive in experience it will be a communal collective viewing of a great black and white movie Casablanca. To further improve upon the viewing experience food trucks will be approached to provide healthy and unique snack options (city has already provided hookups for the food trucks in the east village). The movie will be projected onto the side of the Simmons Mattress Factory building. Seating will be located on the new riverwalk. Bathrooms are already provided as is water. East Village Experience and Calgary Municipal Lands Corp will be asked to sponsor the event via electricity for projection and sound. Will explore getting this event licensed. Promotion of this classic movie viewing experience will be via word of mouth foremost. Twitter, local radio and old time movie posters will be used as well for promotion. Expect to seat under 500 persons.
This benefits all Calgarians who attend and those that dont but wish we had more events like this.
This event is awesome as it is free, a classic movie, good food/drink and brings people to the east village as well as together.
Follow the progress of this project on Twitter (@yycmobilemovie).