Housing and Homeless Coalition

We are the Housing and Homeless Coalition in Fairbanks, Alaska. We are the center of all agencies in town. We work with many other Non-Profits in the area, to help and stop homelessness. Just recently we got a grant for a program called Rapid Re-Housing. Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) is for people with short-term barriers to housing. RRH clients are generally in the program less than one year and Nationally 84% of RRH clients achieve independence and are never again homeless. The Rapid Re-Housing grant we got was a big deal but also a big win! There are many things to come, Like in May we are doing a Panel Discussion talking about homelessness, how other agencies help and try to prevent homeless also what services they offer. We are planning other great events for the year but will need more funding as that time comes. Now its time to move on to our next project which we will have a few coming up this summer! Next month on May 4th we are doing a community panel discussion talking about homeless. We will also have 15 other agencies at the event to talk about what they are doing to help and stop homelessness and also talk about what resources they offer and can help with. But after this event, we will have many more to attend and also create ourselves. In July we will be helping with a big resource fair, We also have many more ideas for events this coming year which should and will have a big impact on Fairbanks Alaska. Later this year we are going to do another huge Symposium talking about homelessness, unemployment, Housing and much more! funding from The Awesome Foundation could even help with that. We don't really do just one thing we do a lot of things in our community with other agencies and also to help the people in our community and make those who aren't aware more aware on how they can help and make a difference. This coming year is going to fill with greatness and amazing things, with the help of The Awesome Foundation we will be able to achieve these goals.