Science Cafecito #HappinessIsAwesome

Storytelling is an ancient art form. Whether at home reading a book or with friends over a cafecito, we enjoy being told engaging stories, not only because of the what, but, sometimes most importantly, the how. Recently, podcasts have successfully tapped into our shared love for storifying information given podcasts’ accessibility and dynamism. The podcast Science Cafecito is born to tell intertwined stories of science, from a South Florida perspective, that entertain and challenge the minds of critical thinkers. The first season will consist of eight episodes and focuses on water and its many tributaries, that will take our listeners into a fantastic voyage from the depths of the ocean to the edge of the universe. Following seasons will cover other overarching themes. Hosted by an astrophysicist and a marine biologist, each episode will include recurring sections and special guests to helps us illustrate the relevant role South Florida plays not only on current science, but also technology, innovation, and art through a scientific lens.
The podcast’s anchors are both foreign born Hispanics who have lived in Miami for much of their adult careers, and are currently members of the new Frost Science museum team. They are well connected with many compelling local scientists, are trained science communicators, and are able to make science relevant to Miami’s multicultural audience.