Grow'n & Chef'n Proper in Lower W. Oakland!

An initiative to turn a community garden into a full-spectrum, urban food oasis that empowers the community to become more food secure, stoked about food, and engage in experiential learning.
Check it. We've got tons of veg and fruits in our garden. A garden that was built with scrap materials from construction sites, 'free' sections on craigslist, goods set outside for bulk pickup, and whatever other means necessary to turn this abandoned lot into an urban oasis. While we're pumping' out some significant lbs. of food and giving it away to community members who offer some time in the garden, we're seeking to launch the: Grow'n & Chef'n Proper Project in Lower W. Oakland.
The Grow'n & Chef'n Proper Project is meant to further deepen the roots of our garden. We are seeking to construct an aquaponic system, renovate the site with micro-drip irrigation, and set up a PROPER outdoor kitchen set up for chef'n it up with the community. Let's break down the rational:
Aquaponics produces both fish and vegetables in a dynamic ecosystem. Thanks to the fish poo, we'll be able to have nutrient rich water for growing veg! Plus, having an aquaponic system will allow us to teach the community about the symbiotic relationships between water and food. We've got a 240-gal. fish tank waiting
Micro-drip irrigation! Considering that we're in a drought of epic proportions, it's only right that we retrofit our garden from hand watering by hose, to a micro drip irrigation system, on a timer, that waters the roots at night. This will ensure that over 90% of the water used is absorbed by the plants, rather than being evaporated… this will be inherently raise awareness on the drought!
PROPER outdoor kitchen, this is where it gets out of control. We've got veg on veg on veg in the garden but chef'n it up on site isn't easy. Considering that dozens upon dozens of folks come by the garden each week, we're missing out on the opportunity to chef up a proper meal on site. It's one thing to grow the food, share it and plant some more; but having the ability to harvest and then eat, that's major! Experiential learning is key developing to a food secure environment.
Bottoms Up Community Garden is a community-based organization, growing food, experimenting with urban agriculture and inspiring the local community to engage in food security. Bottoms Up Community Garden is a proud member of the IDEAS Movement.
On the corner of 8th and Peralta St., smack dab in the middle of a food desert in Oakland, California, is the Bottoms Up Community Garden. We're a bunch of passionate and resourceful folks trying to spread a positive stoke on food! We have a 5 year lease at this site at $1 per month, the lease begin in mid-2014.
There isn't a single place to buy nor eat fresh food within .75 mile of our locale! Being in a neighborhood with a large number of low-income community members, including ourselves, we gotta be food resilient. That means learning to grow our own and cook our own! What an awesome glue this garden is for the community… this project will catalyze and empower folks to be more resilient, and thus awesome!
Feel free to come by any Sunday after 12:00 PM if you want to get your hands in the dirt.