On the Wall

ON THE WALL, Kingston's first ever street art festival, aims to become an exciting annual event where the work of local Kingston street artists as well as artists from the broader Canadian artistic community can be celebrated in a unique waterfront venue. Artists have been wanting to do something on this wall for years but have been prevented by the City's graffiti by-law. Permission is being requested from Council on May 6 to waive the graffiti by-law for the event. Unanimous approval is expected. The ground work has been thorough.
This exciting event will showcase Kingston's only North End waterfront park and show both Kingstonians and visitors to the City not only what an incredible community asset we have in this wall but how truly beautiful Douglas R. Fluhrer Park is. Most Kingstonians have never been there!
Artists and community groups will be invited to submit projects in a juried competition. Jurors include Julian Brown (Portrait Prize), Su Sheedy ( Artist and Curator, Modern Fuel and Pump House Museum), Karen Peperkorn (Art teacher, QECVI), Primrose Craig, (Kingston School of Art) and Owen Santyr (Art student)
Submissions will be based on Originality, Breadth of Appeal, Emotional Impact, Technical Expertise and their ability to survive one year. As ON THE WALL is projected to be an annual event, each year new works will be created on the wall to continually re-invigorate the wall and the park.
This year, the event will occur the week of Aug. 18-24. Artists will be free to prepare and make sketches on the wall on the Monday and will work Monday through Sunday. On Saturday, a celebration is planned that will include exciting novel family activities as well as opportunities for children to make chalk drawings on the wall. Healthy food and drinks will be offered.