Help the Odessa Pony Club Fix Up the Fairgrounds

The Odessa Horse and Pony Club is devoted to promoting safe and affordable showing for all ages of equestrians. We aspire to inspire local equestrians in achieving personal goals and embracing lifelong participation in equestrian activities.
Our Club runs 4 shows per season and classes range in variety from Western and Gaming to English Performance and Hunter/Jumper. Participants in Odessa shows come from all over our community including Kingston, Napanee, and Belleville.
The Odessa Horse and Pony Club would like to ensure the safety of all participating horses and riders at their events. To do so, improvements must be made to the footing and fencing at the Odessa Agricultural Fairgrounds.
The Club's Executive Team is willing to put in the work to upgrade the facilities but needs funding to purchase the supplies to get the fairgrounds to where they need for the 2014 season.