Robofest - Affordable Robotics Competition

This year, the Ontario Government has offered $$ to elementary schools to offset the purchase of a robot kit for their school in an effort to promote Science and Technology. Unfortunately a) Teachers do not have the training to use them and b) That $$ cannot be used for getting students to attend robotics events (a great motivator to learning). Existing Robotics events in the GTA are expensive, overly complicated, and beyond the reach of many schools.
The NHS High School Robotics Club would like to host a low-budget high-energy robotics competition for children. Our students would assist teams in mentoring for the competition, and would run the competition. The competition, which will likely follow the Robofest philosophy, does not require teams to purchase fancy mats or tournament equipment. The competition will also force students not just to 'play' with their robot technology but actually work and think in a STEM fashion (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
I have had experience hosting robotics events in the past, and look forward to giving this opportunity to students and help to teachers. The website link is to our team website. Information about the Robofest philosophy can be found at Thank you for your consideration.