Virtual Assistant Movie

Jobs are getting outsourced. But, can creativity be outsourced? And, if so, what would it look like? I am exploring this by outsourcing an entire short film through virtual online assistants in India.
How? So far, I have 2 virtual assistants who, independently, are writing a script together one line at time. I give them prompts. But, the prompts are written by the other virtual assistant. So, while I am the middle person, the two virtual assistants are actually the ones providing each other with new prompts as they keep the script dialogue going with their writing.
After they finish writing the outsourced script, I will then have virtual assistants film the dialogue that virtual assistants wrote.
Maybe the final film will be horrible. Maybe it will be great. Either way, I feel this process is unprecedented and the results will be a unique and entertaining moment for film making. On a larger scale, I believe this will start conversation about creativity and the creative process.
I'm currently using and
The 2 virtual assistants have been told that a client would like them to create natural and/or dialogue based on provided prompts.
At the conclusion of the writing process, I will explain to both companies the bigger picture.
I will ask for consent and approval to produce a short film based on their writing.
Of course, I will credit the 2 separate virtual assistants with the complete writing credits.
There has been some interest from experimental film festivals and Seattle International Film Festival to accept this unique film and its process.