Ukuloopeaz Summer Club

I would like to start up a children's version of Ukulele Club aptly named Ukuloopeaz, and incorporate a number of other creative media activities such as song writing, audio recording and performance skills. With the summer holidays fast approaching and parents scratching their heads thinking of things to keep their little treasures occupied, I would like to run a pilot club during the summer over a 4 week period at 5 hours per day, 3 days per week starting the last week in July or the first week in August. I have access to a fully equipped childcare facility and 4 ukuleles and a range of mini percussive instruments and 6 kazoos. I would be able to enrol 12 Ukuloopeaz aged between 8 - 14. I am currently in the midst of setting up a website which will be incorporated into a non for profit organisation if the the pilot project is successful. For now we have a tumblr account which will be used to blog the process of activities, therefore creating a fully accessible evaluation process.