Jobs Cafe

Jobs Café Project helps job-seekers better prepare themselves in applying for positions and navigating subsequent interviews.
The “Jobs Café” concept (there is no physical Jobs Café!) evolved at Hopes Café, Clayton Church as a response to the significant number of visitors who were demoralised by constant rejection in their efforts to secure work. We also recognise that in our community the establishment and maintenance of a person’s dignity is tied to being employed.
The project began as a stand-alone exercise in late August 2019: to date there are 1015 job-seeking registrants (people from diverse cultures, refugees, migrants, homeless persons, those differently-abled, men and women, old and young…) and 381 have secured positions, We also have a network of 665 supporters (including members of the marvellous Circle of Friends Association), all contributing at various levels.
Jobs Café is not a Job Agency per se… in supporting the job-seeker’s own efforts to identify roles, it also uses its networks to add possible opportunities and then encourages and assists the job-seeker in pursuing and securing them. The exercise requires significant self-help on the part of the job-seeker, but working together success has every chance.
Jobs Café is independent, purely voluntary and informal in its activity and has no connection with the 'job bureaucracy'….it simply seeks to help in this particular area of community need.
Activity is now largely based at Cibo, The Avenues Shopping Centre, Stepney. Each new job seeker is asked to join the Coordinator for a coffee and a chat: this face-to-face meeting is important in establishing trust and reducing risk for all involved as we work together in pursuing employment opportunities.
“The Last Tuesday of the Month” evening: a job seeking topic, sector speakers, success stories and networking:: attendance is free.
And for those seeking to participate: “Just walk through the virtual door of Jobs Cafe".
The Awesome Foundation grant will fund cups of coffee and tea in cafes for job-seekers, making it an even more welcoming experience.