Wheelchair modding workshop

I'd like to host a workshop at the Independent Living Resource Center SF, that will be hands on DIY creating custom wheelchair modifications like cup holders, cane and crutch holders, specialized bags and pouches, lights, backup or dashcams, and charger mods. This will be cohosted along with Vince Lopez and Marisol Ferrante, who do repair and assistive tech lending librarianship at ILRCSF.
At the workshop there will also be a show and tell as we gather information on what other wheelchair user attendees have invented to mod or enhance their chairs.
All workshop DIY projects will be published on GOAT's web site (Grassroots Open Assistive Tech).
Future workshops will likely rotate between Bay Area locations (at Ed Roberts campus, at ILRCSF, at the Disability Cultural Center once it's open in 2025, and at various hacker and maker spaces)